Selepas kes Lina Joy, MOH tidak jemu memberitahu saya perkembangan terkini lain berkait soal perundangan negara. Katanya: Selepas ini kes Antaltuya pula akan disebut semula.
Bermulalah episod baru, dan khabarnya banyak juga watak-watak baru di dalam episod kali ini setelah watak-watak lama dilenyapkan; baik dari pihak Hakim, Peguamcara atau Peguambela.
Lalu saya cuba-cuba beringat dengan ini (maaf tidak dapat menterjemahkannya ke dalam Bahasa Melayu kerana kitab ini di dalam Bahasa Inggeris, dan saya bimbang kalau saya menterjemahkan takut tersalah pula) :
Narrated 'Imran bin Husain r.a: Allah's Messenger sallallahu 'alahi wasallam said: " The best of my people are my generation, then their immediate followers, then their immediate followers. After them there will be people who will give (false) testimony without being asked(*), who will be treacherous and are not to be trusted, who will make vows which they do not fulfill, among whom obesity will appear." (Muttafaqun 'alaih)
* dijelaskan dengan: These are the kind of people who testify on their own in order that their reliability be established by any means, fair or unfair. These are in fact driven by an ulterior motive to establish a misleading and fictitious groundwork for the trial so that it may progress on the basis of misrepresentation and distortion of facts. These are the witnesses of the worst kind.
Bermulalah episod baru, dan khabarnya banyak juga watak-watak baru di dalam episod kali ini setelah watak-watak lama dilenyapkan; baik dari pihak Hakim, Peguamcara atau Peguambela.
Lalu saya cuba-cuba beringat dengan ini (maaf tidak dapat menterjemahkannya ke dalam Bahasa Melayu kerana kitab ini di dalam Bahasa Inggeris, dan saya bimbang kalau saya menterjemahkan takut tersalah pula) :
Narrated 'Imran bin Husain r.a: Allah's Messenger sallallahu 'alahi wasallam said: " The best of my people are my generation, then their immediate followers, then their immediate followers. After them there will be people who will give (false) testimony without being asked(*), who will be treacherous and are not to be trusted, who will make vows which they do not fulfill, among whom obesity will appear." (Muttafaqun 'alaih)
* dijelaskan dengan: These are the kind of people who testify on their own in order that their reliability be established by any means, fair or unfair. These are in fact driven by an ulterior motive to establish a misleading and fictitious groundwork for the trial so that it may progress on the basis of misrepresentation and distortion of facts. These are the witnesses of the worst kind.
Hadith dipetik daripada The book of Judgement: Chapter 1: The Testimonies di dalam Bulugh al-Maram yang dikumpulkan oleh Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, ditulis oleh Muhammad bin Ismail as-Sanani: Dar-us-Salam Publications (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
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